AppDynamics is dedicated to making it easier for software engineers to instrument everything and better understand their digital systems
How it works
AppDynamics uses Webhook to send alerts to Harp endpoint
How to register new integration in Harp
Follow these steps to register a new integration in Harp Platform
How to configure in AppDynamics
1. Create new “HTTP Request Template”
Name: Harp
Method: POST
Raw URL: How to find URL
2. Add Payload which should be sent to Harp endpoint when Health Rule will be triggered
"account_name": "${}",
"account_id": "${}",
"action_name": "${}",
"action_id": "${}",
"action_trigger_time": "${action.triggerTime}",
"controller_link_url": "${controllerUrl}",
"clamped": ${clamped},
"clamp_limit": ${clampLimit},
"from_web_hook": true,
#if (${notes})
"notes": "${notes}",
"policy_name": "${}",
"policy_id": "${}",
"policy_digest": ${policy.digest},
"full_events_list": [
#foreach(${event} in ${fullEventList})#if (${event.healthRuleEvent})
"health_rule_event": ${event.healthRuleEvent},
"health_rule_violation_event": ${event.healthRuleViolationEvent},
"health_rule_id": ${},
"health_rule_name": "${}",
"incident_id": "${}",
"incident_name": "${}",
"appd_event_type": "health-rule",
"display_name": "${event.displayName}",
"app_id": ${},
"app_name": "${}",
"bt_performance_event": ${event.btPerformanceEvent},
"deep_link_url": "${event.deepLink}",
"event_type": "$event.eventType",
"event_message": "${event.eventMessage.replaceAll("\\<[^>]*\\>","")}",
"event_type_key": "${event.eventTypeKey}",
"event_time": "${event.eventTime}",
"guid": "${event.guid}",
#if (${event.node_name})
"node_name": "${}",
"node_id": "${}",
"summary_message": "${event.summaryMessage.replaceAll("\\<[^>]*\\>","")}",
"severity": "${event.severity}",
"tag": "bigpanda-api",
#if (${event.tier_name})
"tier_name": "${}",
"tier_id": "${}",
"affected_entities": [
#foreach(${entity} in ${event.affectedEntities})
"id": ${},
"name": "${}",
"type": "${entity.entityType}"
}#if ($velocityHasNext), #end
}#if ($velocityHasNext), #end
3. Response Handling Criteria and Settings should look like on the screenshot
4. Now need to create new Action and attach it to that Template
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
5. Now you need to attach AppD Policy to recently created Action
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
- Step 5