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REST API is a simple HTTP endpoint to generate alerts directly from your services or jobs

How it works

You can send alerts directly from your code. Need just to specify Harp Endpoint which should receive notification and JSON Payload which should be sent.

How to register new integration in Harp

Follow these steps to register a new integration in Harp Platform

How to configure in your script or service

1. Specify Harp Endpoint


Note: YOUR_INTEGRATION_URL you can find in registered integration (or register new if you didn`t perform it before)

2. JSON Payload which should be sent out of your code


Need to add to the headers - Content-Type: application/json

  • To create alert
"alert_name": "Test: REST API alert",
"alert_severity": "critical",
"source": "API Source",
"object": "monitoring-host",
"notification_output": "notification_output: 0",
"additional_fields": {
"description": "Some Desc",
"script_name": "",
"owner": ""
"additional_urls": {
"URL1": "http://some_url",
"URL_NAME": "http://some_url_to_docs"
  • To resolve alert
"alert_name": "Test: REST API alert",
"alert_severity": "ok",
"source": "API Source",
"object": "monitoring-host",
"notification_output": "notification_output: 0",
"additional_fields": {
"description": "Some Desc",
"script_name": "",
"owner": ""
"additional_urls": {
"URL1": "http://some_url",
"URL_NAME": "http://some_url_to_docs"


  • alert_name – Name of your notification
  • alert_severity – severity of your notification. Possible values are – ok, information, warning, critical, unknown, urgent
  • source – unique name of the integration
  • object – hostname or some other identifier to show where your service is running
  • notification_output – additional output when notification is triggered
  • additional_fields – you can create your own additional fields which you can see in Harp once notification will be
  • additional_urls – you can add list of URLs to external systems which you will see directly in your alert

3. You are good to go! Your API integration is completed, and you can start working with alerts in Harp

Additional info